
Saturday Oct 13, 2018
Saturday Oct 13, 2018
The Association of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders, Inc. (AGMD) presents, Living With Digestive Motility Disorders. This open discussion meeting is for anyone affected by motility disease, including patients, parents, partners, and loved ones. AGMD provides a safe place to talk about everything that goes along with the diagnosis of a motility disease. Topics include emotional/mental health issues, chronic pain, relationships (personal as well as with medical professionals) ostomies, tubes, lines, and nutrition.
This program is co-facilitated by Brittany Neal. Brittany is a patient with chronic idiopathic pseudo-obstruction since birth. Now in her 30s, she has had numerous surgeries and procedures including multiple central liine placements, G and J-tubes, and has a permanent ileostomy. She is currently TPN dependent and has several health concerns due to CIPO. No longer able to work, she serves as a volunteer for AGMD.
Since the publication of this program, we sadly report that Brittany Neal passed away in February 2018. She is greatly missed. We honor her memory by posting this program. It reflects her caring heart and unconditional dedication and willingness to help others.
The topic of discussion for this program will be focused on the emotional impact of living with digestive motility disorders.

Thursday Oct 11, 2018
AGMD Let's Talk Open Discussion Series: Living With Gastroparesis - August 2017
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
AGMD presents it's Let's Talk Open Discussion Series focusing on, "Living With Gastroparesis.
During the program, we talk about some of the physical and emotional challenges, helpful tips, myths that exist and lessons learned.

Thursday Oct 11, 2018
AGMD Living With Digestive Motility Disorders Telephone Internet Program - May 2017
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
The Association of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders, Inc. (AGMD) presents, Living With Digestive Motility Disorders. This open discussion meeting is for anyone affected by motility disease, including patients, parents, partners, and loved ones. AGMD provides a safe place to talk about everything that goes along with the diagnosis of a motility disease. Topics include emotional/mental health issues, chronic pain, relationships (personal as well as with medical professionals) ostomies, tubes, lines, and nutrition.
This program is co-facilitated by Brittany Neal. Brittany is a patient with chronic idiopathic pseudo-obstruction since birth. Now in her 30s, she has had numerous surgeries and procedures including multiple central liine placements, G and J-tubes, and has a permanent ileostomy. She is currently TPN dependent and has several health concerns due to CIPO. No longer able to work, she serves as a volunteer for AGMD.
Since the publication of this program, we sadly report that Brittany Neal passed away in February 2018. She is greatly missed. We honor her memory by posting this program. It reflects her caring heart and unconditional dedication and willingness to help others.
The topic of discussion for this program will be focused on hospitalizations. Being in the hospital can be a very frightening situation for the patient, but also for the family and caregivers. Talking about it, planning ahead, preparing yourself as much as possible, and knowing your rights can reduce a lot of the stress, worry and anxiety.

Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
The Association of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders |AGMD| presents its, Let's Talk Open Discussion Series. This program focuses on, "The Impact of Digestive Motility Disorders on Self-Esteem."
Living with a digestive motility disorder can greatly attack the patient's self-esteem in so many different ways. Some examples include, trying to cope with the unpredictable symptoms, social isolation, strained or lost relationships, not being believed, surgical scars, belly distention, body image, inability to work, burden on finances, losing one's former self as a result of chronic illness ... each one can tear at an individual's confidence and self-esteem.
During our open discussion, patients will have share their questions, concerns, experiences, tips and obtain much needed support.
All program participants have given AGMD permission for their voices to be recorded.
Listen to this powerful discussion

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
The Association of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders (AGMD) presents its Let's Talk Open Discussion Series. This program is entitled, "It's All In Your Head," (Being Believed). When a patient is suffering and is not believed, a roller coaster of emotions can ensue. Patients may even begin to doubt themselves. This is an open discussion where patients share their experiences, insights and coping strategies.

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
AGMD presents it's Let's Talk Open Discussion Series. This presentation focuses on, Dealing With The Guilt.
So many patients struggle with feelings of guilt as a result of their illness. Because digestive motility disorders can infiltrate every aspect of a patient's life, these feelings of guilt can emerge as a result of high medical costs affecting finances and the inability to work, expectations unmet, strain on relationships, dependency on others, being sick all the time,being hospitalized, the inability to attend social events and causing loved ones to worry, etc.
During this program, patients share their experiences and concerns and provide helpful coping strategies.
All program participants have given their consent to be recorded.
Listen to this heartfelt program

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
AGMD Let's Talk Open Discussion Series: But You Look So Good - February 2014
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
The Association of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders (AGMD) presents its Let's Talk Series Open Discussion Series. This program will focus on the comment, "But You Look So Good," words that can bring emotional turmoil for many patients with digestive motility diseases or disorders.Although people may have good intentions by telling patients that they "Look So Good," it can trigger a kaleidoscope of emotions in the patient.During this program, patients will share their feelings, experiences and helpful coping strategies.All program participants have granted AGMD permission to be recorded.Listen to this powerful discussion!

Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
The Association of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders, Inc. (AGMD) is pleased to provide our AGMD Open Discussion Series. This open discussion will focus on, "Saying Goodbye to the Pleasure of Eating" as a result of suffering from a digestive motility disease or disorder.
During this audio program, patients will share their experiences, feelings and helpful coping strategies.

AGMD is a nonprofit international organization that serves as an integral educational resource for digestive motility diseases and disorders. It also functions as an important information clearinghouse for members of the medical, scientific and nutritional communities. In addition, AGMD provides a forum of support for patients (and their families) suffering from digestive motility diseases and disorders.
We are honored to sponsor our podcasts in order to educate, advocate, and inspire!
To learn more about AGMD visit our website at www.agmdhope.org